Single Stream STANAG3910 Electrical
Test & Simulation Module for
3U PXI Express/Compact PCI Express
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The ACE3910-3U-1-EN is a member of AIM’s family of advanced PXI Express/Compact PCI Express modules for analyzing, simulating, monitoring and testing Rafale STANAG3910 databuses providing 1 fully dual redundant STANAG3910 high speed/low speed interface and onboard Electrical Front End (EFE) on a cPCIe/PXIe 3U card format.
- Concurrently acts as Bus Controller, Multiple Remote Terminals (31) and Chronological/Mailbox Bus Monitor
- Physical Bus Interface (PBI) including STANAG3910 HS bus Electrical Front End (EFE)
- Physical Replay capability- electrically reconstruct and replay previously recorded STANAG3910 record files physically to the STANAG3910 bus with excellent timing accuracy
- Versions with reduced functionality (Single Function or Simulator Only) are available
- Capability to handle 3 General Purpose Discrete I/O (GPIO) signals which can be monitored or controlled.
Common Core Hardware Design
The ACE3910-3U-1-EN module uses AIM’s ‘Common Core’ hardware design utilizing SoC (System-on-Chip) based hardware design with 2 dual core processing units. One dual core section is implementing the STANAG3838 and STANAG3910 Bus Interface Units (BIUs). On the second dual core section the Application Support Processor (ASP) is implemented under Linux OS and executes the driver software onboard and minimizes the load on the host processing system.
Onboard Processing – IRIG-B Time Synchronization
The use of onboard processors for STANAG3910 protocol handling and large memory enables autonomous operation with minimal interaction with the host PC for real time applications. An onboard IRIG-B time encoder/decoder is included with sinusoidal output and free-wheeling mode for time tag synchronization on system level.
Board Software Package – Optional Analyzer Software
Full function driver software is delivered with the ACE3910-3U-1-EN card in comprehensive Board Software Packages (BSP’s) for different Operating Systems.
The optional™ Databus Test and Analysis Tool (for Windows and Linux) can also be purchased for use with ACE3910-3U-1-EN modules.
STANAG3910 Functionality on further Form Factors
STANAG3910 CPCIe | STANAG3910 Ethernet | STANAG3910 XMC |
Single Stream STANAG3910 Test and Simulation module – Rafale – for PXI Express/Compact PXI Express with 1 dual redundant HS/LS channel and onboard Electrical Front End (EFE).
- Concurrent HS/LS BC, Multi RT (31) and Chronological Monitor
- Full HS/LS Error Injection/Detection
- HS/LS Complex Triggering, Data Capture/Filtering, 100% HS/LS Bus Recording, HS/LS Physical Bus Replay
- PXI Triggering and PXI System Clock Capabilities
- IRIG-B Time Encoder/Decoder
- Full Function, Monitor Only and Simulator Only versions available
- Drivers for Linux and Windows
- Optional Databus Test and Analysis Software
- Data Sheet
- Release Notes
- User Manuals

- Windows
- Linux
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